Class Styles


Functional Flow

This is a more anatomical approach to yoga sequencing, including a variety of mobility exercises, think flexibility combined with strength and integrity at the joints. The main aim of this class is to optimise movement ability within your body to increase functionality in everyday life and is an amazing complement to weight training.


Vinyasa Flow

Vinyasa flow is a free-flowing practice that uses the breath to connect a variety of poses with fluid movement. Open to everyone, as modifications and variations will be offered to create the perfect class for your ability. The focus on breath takes the practice away from just the physical, allowing you to take time to settle the mind.


Yoga for Climbers

This class is designed with climbers in mind, increasing mobility and flexibility, targeting common problem areas. Getting you moving and breathing better on the wall.

Yoga is such a good compliment to climbing, both requiring simililar demands of the body but also counter pushing with pulling for overall joint health and longevity.

Public Class Schedule

Monday 6:30pm Vinyasa Flow, via Zoom

Tuesday 12:30pm Vinyasa Flow @ Yoga Soul Mcr

Thursday 6:30pm Yoga for Climbers, via Zoom

To book Zoom classes, contact me or send your payment to my PayPal Link below with date and your name

To book Tuesday class, head to Yoga Soul website below